Eviction Filings Finally Dip Down

According to the numbers from the federal government and a few different housing authorities, eviction numbers in America are finally starting to dip. The way that evictions are counted is when landlords and big mortgage lenders file that they have had to evict someone, and so these numbers are always slow to come out. Though for the first time since the pandemic started, the filings have started to go down. Of course, you likely had no idea just how many thousands of people were being thrown out of their homes every month, because the mainstream media has January 6 Insurrections and a former President to talk about. News that may actually be important isn't newsworthy to the billion-dollar corporations that own the mass media.

Though despite the fact that the government hasn't paid out a stimulus in more than a year, unemployment is still increasing, and eviction moratoriums were shot down, more and more Americans are figuring out ways to stay in their homes, no thanks to any government authority.

Red Tape is Too Sticky

The federal government, however, would argue that they're the reason these filings are going down. Why would that be the case? Way back when Donald Trump was still President, Congress approved over $47 billion to help Americans pay their rent. After well more than a year in limbo, states are finally starting to pay some of that money out. Yes, money that was meant as emergency funds for Americans not to lose their homes was held up by red tape for over 18 months. That's how efficient America's federal government is. So when the mainstream media sings the praises of how great this administration is doing, just keep in mine that millions of people have been evicted from their homes because the process for the government to get money to people is so convoluted and slow.

The process for the federal government to get their money after they give themselves raised? It hits them directly on their next paycheck.

Now it All Makes Sense

Remember when the federal government was pushing for eviction moratoriums? The vast majority of the American people were just asking for more stimulus money. While the average American doesn't know a whole lot about public policy or the finer points of the debt ceiling, they can certainly understand mathematics. Americans understood that if government was just going to print and spend trillions of dollars, then the best way for that money to be spent would be to give it straight to the people. For a few months back in 2020, Congress was being pressured to give stimulus checks of $10,000 or more, and again this was pushed and urged when Joe Biden replaced Donald Trump as president. Of course, this pleading fell on deaf ears, and Congress, as it always does, went against the wishes of the American people.

The American public seemed very confused. It was known by everyone that people were losing their homes and apartments and couldn't afford rent. The federal government knew this better than anyone, since they were responsible for 80% of all privately owned small businesses being forced closed. The people saw that money being printed and sent out, and they wanted their share of it. However, the government utterly refused and instead floated the idea of eviction moratoriums to keep Americans in their homes.

While no one really understood that backwards approach at the time, it certainly makes a lot of sense now. By forcing landlords and mortgage lenders to go without payment, the federal government wouldn't have to sacrifice their pork-laden pet projects and could just give that money back to their donors. The government could claim they were helping Americans without actually giving them any money. It really is scary to realize just how far the government goes to regulate American lives on an individual level instead of just offering stimulus so that Americans can bail themselves out.

With all the information now available about how the corporations got billions and how so much money is missing, it makes sense why the government wouldn't give money directly to the people. They had never planned to do such a thing; and the fact some money is finally being released is no balm for the past year and a half.

Eviction numbers might finally be dipping, but direct payments would have helped millions of people a long time ago.

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